Absense of Color

What would social media look like without Black’s. Can you say A big “picnic” or better yet a Klan rally… I believe that the reason some whites are not as blatant racist on social media is because of our presence, but if it was just whites you’d see their true colors. They’d let it all out for you to see, just how truly Racist America is. The masses that say don’t talk about race, don’t play the race card, reverse racism, and foolishness like that all the while never truly trying to end racism. They spew all of those things pout of their mouth but never truly want to end racism, or modern day slavery which is the jail system and the propaganda used to take out the black race. Social media would be the place the N***** word would be most used. Their would be blogs on how blacks ruined someone’s day, or sites were you laugh at some of our cultures, and beliefs we hold dearest such as dancing, music, and expression. Social media is a reflection of peoples true feelings because most of the things you put on these sites have no true physical consequences, yeah you might get someone upset or confused, but for the most part you can say things without consequence. That is where the problem would lie with social media without the Black presence; whites would be free to post anything and everything without consequence therefore the true feelings would hit the screen and we all know what those are.

In the past before all of this information was made available through the internet Black’s weren’t able to access the information on things that really mattered. The search started when they unleashed the internet. Its were Blacks go to learn more about our home. We are now able to study Africa, and the things that we may have been doing, or what we may have looked liked, or who we would pray to by using the internet. Black agenda isn’t the same agenda as the masses, so with that being known the funding required to achieve the same gains in technology, business, and education which is very expensive; aren’t as easily attainable.

The sites that I frequent I see Black’s thirsty for knowledge and truth about our true identity. I see intellectuals teaching awakened black young and old, I see information getting updated and corrected through links and videos, I see the enlightenment that is coming. I started my search after Trayvon Martin and I was so upset I directed my anger in a positive way and I’m a better more educated person because of it.


Most of my inspiration does not come from twitter but Facebook. I’m actively involved on FB not so much twitter. De Lano McKay Parker is an active member of Facebook I really love his work on the enlightenment of black people. He runs a page called Educated Black People against the “New” Black Entertainment TV 2. This is easily one of the single most important sites in the “awakening process,” that I went through. I credit this page with opening my eyes (as well as George Zimmerman) to the real America. I’ve a lot of people around me accept my new ideas, but I’ve also made a lot of my black friends uncomfortable talking down about their “white masters.” The crazy part of it all is De Lano McKay Parker is doing all of his work on social media and reaching hundreds of thousands of people. I really feel that he has made a difference in the way people think which is the hardest form of persuasion. You can make someone like something with advertisements, but to change the way a person thinks and fells and believes, that’s power.